Saturday, August 23, 2008

Decor Elements Party---I'm just too impatient!!!


Today I learned that I am just an impatient person. I was planning to have my decor elements party be a come and go as you please event, but when no one showed up by 10:30 I decide to go ahead and finish all my projects. I was just finishing my last one when Jenice showed up. Then Tish. I was very happy. Thanks guys. I appreciate the support. I was getting a little depressed that I just don't know how to do this.

I know that there was a lot going on. I'm still taking orders and you can swing by my house and see what they look like. I really like them. Here's some pictures that Myron snapped. It's really fun to do. I think that was the other problem. I wanted to do them really bad. I wanted to see what they looked like. I need to learn patience.

Here's the pictures:
This is over my arch way to the rest of the house from my formal living room. It's really cute!!!

This one Myron came up with. He went out and bought the frame. He printed the pictures and created the layout. I loved it. He's amazing to me. He is so good. This one is so easy and fun. A great Christmas gift. So I decided to make this September's 3-D item. Wouldn't Grandma or Grandpa love it? It's a great project for just $20!!!

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